An adventurous stay!


Zilvermuseum Schoonhoven

♦ Kazerneplein 4, Schoonhoven ♦ 39 min. ♦

A visit to the Dutch Silver Museum in Schoonhoven promises an enjoyable, interactive, and educational outing for all ages. Visitors can see, touch, smell, and hear silver while discovering much more about this versatile precious metal in the World of Silver.

The unique collection is presented innovatively in stimulating themes such as 'life & death', 'show-offs', and 'eternal fame'. One of the highlights is the longest silver activity table in the world: an interactive table full of silver stories and tasks. Every six months, a new exhibition is on display, ranging from thought-provoking and topical themes to modern silver art. For children, there is always something to create in the Silver Smithy, such as a keychain, ring, or soldier's tag, and they can participate in a museum scavenger hunt. Special workshops are also available during school holidays.

Visit the Zilvermuseum website.